$2.4 Million in Market Development & Co-Op Funding (allocated per month) for Each Affiliate Partner of One Force Live


  1. Earn up to $2382 per client referral. Example: 20 New Channel Partners a month, who you recommend for $120k Co-Op & AI-Horse-Powered System x 1 year = $571,680 to you as a partner.

  2. You will be paid 25% Commissions of every subscription payment as an AI Certified Affiliate and paid every 30 days!

  3. 2nd Tier Bonus of 5% commissions on any affiliate partners that you sign up.

  4. Submit for your Free Custom Affiliate Link

You will be allocated $2.4 million each month in Private Grant Subsidies to be given to businesses that you recommend as an AI Certified and Featured Business of One Force Live.

>>> You simply share your custom link with Business Owners, Agencies, E-Commerce Companies, Business Coaches, Local Businesses, and Online Marketers! Our mission is to help businesses across America with the most advanced tools and technology to increase their revenues and scale their business!

NOTE: You can special request more co-op funding if you have met your goal of 20 new active businesses for 3 straight months.